Grant Support for North East Businesses

Did you know that there are grants available for businesses across the North East open NOW – from support with capital expenditure and creation of jobs, to setting up apprenticeships and installing EV charging points – that you could apply for?

Find out more below and contact us for further information:


If you would like more information on any of these opportunities, contact us on 0191 211 1450 or email

Our Christmas elves have appeared! Find out who likes sprouts, who’s hoping for a diamond under the tree and who’s favourite tune is Shakin’ Stevens on our LinkedIn Page.

Find out your elf name at: What’s Your Elf Name? – Elf Name Generator 2023 (

Are you worried about your current or upcoming tax obligations? If so, specialist lending to cover tax obligations may be the working capital solution for you and your business – and CCBS Group can help. You might not be familiar with it yet, but tax funding is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses, with lenders developing tools and refining their products to ease the burden of untimely tax bills.

Let’s take a closer look at the tax funding solutions we can offer:

VAT Funding

VAT Loans are short-term loans specifically designed to cover VAT liabilities, providing you with the necessary funds to meet your VAT obligations on time, typically in 2 or 3 capital payments.

VAT Bridging Finance is used to bridge the gap between a business incurring a VAT expense and subsequently reclaiming it, often in property transactions with a VAT liability as part of the purchase. The lender funds the VAT payment to HMRC and directly receives the proceeds of the VAT claim.


R&D Tax Funding

The R&D Tax Relief scheme offers tax for companies engaging in research and development. However, your company might still require funding to cover your R&D expenses. One option to consider is R&D Tax Credit Advance, which is an advance loan against your expected R&D tax credit refund. Repayment goes directly to the lender who would then distribute any proceeds after deduction of interest and fees.

We recently helped a well-established automotive business who had been impacted by COVID-19 and the subsequent supply chain issues by providing them with a £300,000 R&D Tax Bridging Loan. The funding was made available in 14 days and the client was delighted to have obtained additional headroom in facilities, particularly in such challenging trading conditions.


Corporation Tax Funding

Similar to VAT, you might face challenges in managing your Corporation Tax payments, especially if you have irregular or seasonal cash flows. Corporation Tax Loans can help you to meet your Corporation Tax obligations and are often structured to align with your company’s tax payment schedule over 12 monthly payments or less.

Chat to us today

It’s important to note that if you’re looking at this type of funding, it’s best to engage well ahead of time. So, get in touch with CCBS Group today – we’re here to help take the stress out of your tax obligations and give you honest, straightforward advice about the best funding options for you and your business.

Liam Kane is the MD and owner of TAB and has over 30 years’ experience working with SMEs across the UK. He has been facilitating Peer Advisory Boards in the North East since 2021, and is a qualified Executive Coach passionate about supporting local business leaders. He tell us all about the benefits of having an alternative board in our latest blog…

As a business owner do you ever feel like you have no one to talk to about the issues that you are facing in your business?  I suspect the answer to that question may well be yes and in those circumstances what do you do?

Help and support may well be at hand via The Alternative Board.  To give you some background, at The Alternative Board (TAB) we have cultivated a thriving community of forward-thinking business leaders who share collective wisdom and inspiration to radically improve performance in ways that change their lives.

For over 30 years, we have been helping leaders and their teams improve their business and change their lives. We do this in a couple of ways:

1. Peer Advisory Boards

As a business leader, all too often the big decisions fall to you and you alone, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Each month a small number of like-minded leaders meet to help one another make better and faster decisions.

But the boards are a lot more than that…

2. Business Coaching

Private one-to-one coaching sessions to give you renewed clarity, keep you accountable to achieve your goals and become an even more successful leader, allowing you to live the life you work for. Feedback from clients in the Northeast reinforces the value in working alongside a coach who’ll:


3. Gain Accountability, Expertise and Momentum

Joining TAB means joining other busy entrepreneurs committed to giving and receiving the candid guidance that can only come from peers following the same path. Tap into the power of like-minded leaders, leverage global membership insights, run your business more strategically and outpace your competitors. For more information, contact me, Liam Kane, on 07368 534427 or

When should you use a debt recovery service? 


Why do debt recovery services have a bad reputation? 


Who Are CC Recovery Solutions?


In what ways are CC Recovery Solutions different? 


What steps do CC Recovery Solutions take to ensure business relationships are maintained? 


How much experience does CC Recovery Solutions have in recovering debts for clients? 


Once you decide to use CC Recovery Solutions, we handle everything. Contact us today to have an initial chat with our team.

Renewing a company vehicle or buying additional commercial vehicles can be a big burden on top of everything else you’re juggling day-to-day…

Things to consider…

We can take that weight off your shoulders and source your vehicle/s and arrange finance tailored to your business, just tell us what you need or want, and we’ll source the vehicle and share the potential finance options with you.

We recently helped…


If we can help your business with vehicle finance or sourcing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team using our form or email

So Graeme, what is Invoice Finance?

Invoice Finance is a product used to help maintain cashflow, it provides advances of up to 90% of a company’s debtor book – what customers owe you essentially – which provides you with a long-term cashflow solution. And as we all know, cashflow is critical for all businesses, at all times!

What are the benefits of invoice finance?

There are a lot of benefits – so many that it’s even overtaken overdrafts as the working capital solution of choice for many businesses and funders. For example, the only limit to the funds you can access is the total of the invoices you exchange – not like strict caps on bank loan lending policies. That means the product grows as your business grows, meaning it can provide a long-term solution. It can also nurture business growth as you’ll have a steady flow of cash rather than waiting for invoices to be paid before the funds are available, or banks to make lengthy funding decisions – so you can continue to build your business without any delays.

What types of businesses can access invoice finance?

It can really be used by any sized company from SME through to enterprise-sized businesses and there are even specialist IF providers which can support niche companies or specialist industries. For example, some lenders offer construction or contractual sector-specific lends to support businesses in certain sectors or with complex business models or financing.

What else can Invoice Finance be useful for?

It can also be used to support CapEx, acquisitions or buy-outs, or event-drive finance too. So if you’re going through a change, and you have concerns about its impact on your working capital, invoice finance can be a good solution to explore.

Can you tell us about a recent invoice finance deal you’ve been involved with?

It’s not a one-size-fits-all landscape so it’s really critical that you understand what will be required to implement Invoice Finance, what the risks are, and which funder can best meet your needs. We recently supported a longstanding client who was expanding operations into Australia after two successful expansions in the US and Canada. We found a global funder who could support them with a £200,000 Invoice Finance solution that gave them the cashflow headroom to drive forward their plans.

How can business owners find out more?

If this strike a chord with you, definitely get in touch with us. We can find out about your specific situation and give you honest guidance as to whether IF is the right solution for you, or whether something else would be a better fit for your circumstances.

We were proud to see one of our deals win Corporate Finance Deal of the Year 2023 at the North East Accountancy Awards earlier this summer.

As you will know we are not corporate finance advisors, but we collaborated with Gateshead-based TIG Corporate Finance on the transaction which supported a Management Buy-Out of Washington-based NA College.  Barry Gill, Managing Director at TIG, provided corporate finance advice to the vendor and CCBS sourced the funding through Shard Credit Partners, who facilitated the transaction. It involved a number of corporate partners working together and this collaborative approach is what led the judges to award it Deal of the Year.

Mr Gill said of the win: “It was an important deal for the region and one I am personally proud to be part of. Investment for the MBO was supported by Shard Credit Partners and led to a female-led board of directors taking control of NA College whilst the ownership of the company remained in the North East.”

Peter Cromarty of CCBS Group said: “It was a real pleasure to work on this deal with the management team, TIG Corporate and Shard Credit Partners to deliver a great deal all around. I look forward to seeing the business go from strength to strength.”

Business Protection is not something that we generally talk to clients about (and not products that we offer) but following a recent meeting the whole topic of Business Protection came into much finer focus.

Some food for thought…

Key Person Insurance

Ask yourself – how many key people are in your organisation and how would the business be impacted if it lost a key person or worse still key people? Would this cause you an issue?

If the answer to that question is yes, then please click here for advice from our trusted partners.


Income Protection

Ask yourself – statutory sick pay is £99.95 per week for a maximum of 28 weeks. If you were unable to work, could you survive on that amount.

If the answer to that question is no, then please click here for advice from our trusted partners.


Business Loan Protection

Ask yourself – have any individuals provided guarantees for business borrowing? If the answer to that question is yes, then please then please click here for advice from our trusted partners.


Private Medical Insurance

Ask yourself – Might health insurance improve the wellbeing of your team and reduce absences?

If the answer to that question is yes, then please click here for advice from our trusted partners.

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) was a lifeline for businesses during the pandemic, providing much needed working capital.  However for some businesses CBILS is now causing headaches when seeking additional finance or refinance due to the security issues that arise with CBILS facilities.

Lenders that have secured loans against a business’ assets – such as through an all assets debenture – may be unwilling to release the security when the business seeks additional funding. This means that businesses may find it difficult to obtain additional financing or refinance existing facilities, potentially jeopardising their growth prospects and long-term sustainability.

As financial professionals and business owners, it’s essential to understand the security issues surrounding CBILS loans and the impact this has on businesses. While there’s no easy solution, exploring alternative financing options or negotiating with lenders could be a viable option for some businesses.

One potential step forward is the ability to transfer CBILS loans between financial institutions. While this is not currently possible, it’s something that could be considered in the future to help businesses access the finance they need while maintaining existing security arrangements.

In the industry, we must work together to find solutions that support the growth and success of our clients. This may involve exploring alternative financing options, negotiating with lenders, or advocating for changes to the CBILS scheme to enable loan transfers. By doing so, we can help businesses navigate these uncertain times and emerge stronger on the other side.